Google Security Protection Services
In this day and age one needs to be observant of things around them.  Do not be moved by fearful thoughts of your own doing or of others.  There is a drastic differance between paranoia and just a wise observer.   Practice these steps in adding to your normal day.      A.  Take time in your schedule of normal driving and errands of whom you see on the rd.   B.   Make it a habit in observing peoples countenance of whom you come in contact with.  Including eventually articles of clothing etc.  eventually you will be come accustom to what you see.  Who is watching you and or who else notices you when say going to a store.  Not everyone is as busy as they seem.  Can you pick out certain situations such as the single mom with two kids shopping in the grocery.  Or the next family moms shopping kids argueing or perhaps the hapless woman who left her young child sitting in the buggy with her purse next to said child wide open as she looses tract and focus on a sale and or a quick run into the bathroom.
            Woman young and old I can not tell you how many unattended small children or forgotten purses or extreemly vulnerable purses I see.  Make observation a characteristic in your own little world.  Pick selective things that are common in you surroundings.  Such as going out to eat can you easile observe others both restaraunt staff and customers while eating and caring on a conversation discreetly.  From the waiter or patron that is stressed out nervous or new.  The almost dropped bottle of wine.  There are numerous things you can pick up on in a glance or a simple hello in time.  In time it can become as easy as the laces on your shoe.  When is the last time you actually thought about how to do it ?  Become a natural observer of your surroundings.  A step towards a safer observance and security in life.
                     Until next time. . .Respectfully,
                                 Guardian Services
What is your idea of safety and security?  How do you see safety and security in relations to physical, mental, and spiritual thoughts, places, or things?

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